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About Us
Korea Town/32ST
Jackson Heights
Fort Lee
Los Angeles
Fort Lee
Fort Lee (and Palisades Park) is a suburb of NYC. It is actually across the Hudson river and across the New Jersey State Line. Majority of the Korean stores are located on Lemoine Ave, Main St, and Broad Ave. Despite some recent racial bigotry, Korean-Americans have firm foothold in the community.
Subway: none
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Bakers Dunk N Dip, New York Bakery - Fort Lee, New York Bakery - Fort Lee, Shilla Bakery & Coffee Shop
Banks Korea Commercial Bank - Fort Lee, Panasia Bank - Fort Lee
Cafes The Piola 46 Cafe
Catering Jin Go Gae, Mijori Catring, Oh Bok Bakery, On Dong Neh Jan Chi Jib, Poong Nyun, Rainbow
Car Services Tae Keuk Limo Service
Doc/Dentists Bo Chun D.D.S., C Spencer Ahnn D.D.S., Dav.D Chung D.D.S., Dong Hyun Lee, D.D.S., Implant Cosmetic General, Jay K. Bae, D.D.S., Jun Seung Ha, D.D.S., Kyung Hoon Kang, D.D.S., Meung Hee Joung, D.D.S., Michael Chung, D.D.S., Michael Y. Chung, D.D.S., Moon Sae Lee, D.D.S., Myong D.Lee, D.D.S., New Jersey Dentist Office, Sylvan Dental Care, Syng Bum Kim, D.D.S., Young Jin Kang, D.D.S.
Doc/Derm Hyun Soo Lee, M.D., Won, M.D.
Doc/Ear Nose Tht Jeffrey Ahn, M.D., Moon Tae Won, M.D.
Doc/Int. Med. Chang W. Lee, M.D., Hai Sun Park, M.D., Jung, M.D., Kyu Sung Wang, M.D., Top`s Medical Arts, Wonil Park, M.D.
Doc/Ob. Gyn. James Lee M.D., P.A.J.F.A.C.O.G., Young Bok Lee, M.D.
Doc/Opth. Opto. Bergen Eye Care, Daniel Y. Kim M.D., PA. - Flushing, Debbie Kim, O.D., Myung I. Chung, O.D., Tae Sung Kim, M.D.
Florist Sylvan Grace Florist
Golf Dr. Range Closter Golf Center, Eagle Golf, Honma Golf
Golf Pro Shop Golf Farm Inc., Honma
Groceries Chang's Market, Lotte Dong Yang Grocery
Insurance Ivan Agency, The New England
Jewelry Gue Kuem Dang, Gue Kuem Dang, Kiky Jewelry, Parkes Jewelry, Temple Designs Inc., Yearim Jewelry
Karaokes Dolce Singing Room, Fort Lee Singing Room, Gagopa NJ Music
Lawyers Barry L. Gardiner, Attorney At Law, Christine M. Bae, Dae-Ki Min, Attorney At Law, Daniel D.Kim, Attorney At Law, David F., Attorney At Law, Huong Kyoo Kim, Attorney At Law, Ki Hun Park, Attorney At Law, Law Offices Of Rotolo & Rotolo, Matthew J Jeon Esq, Robert C Damn A Professional Corp., Robert R Pidgeon Jr, Attorney At La, S Nam Shin Attorney At Law, Sang Chin Yom, Attorney At Law, Sanghwan Hahn, Attorney At Law, Sangwook Moh, Attorney At Law, Sun Jung Park, Attorney At Law, Yong O.Lee, Attorney At Law, Youngik Yoon, Attorney At Law
Moving Company Furnttur Korea, Global Enterprise Inc., J.L. Moving, Jae Il Moving Co., Kna Moving Co., M.B.C. Moving Co., Sharon Trucking, Young Jin Express
Media Mountain Broadcasting Corp., The Korean Health Guide, TV Korea US Broadcasting
Musical/Instr. Bergen Music Center, Song Piano, Song Piano
Org/Alumni In Ha University, Korea High School Alumni, Kyung Bok High School Alumni, Kyung Gi Girls Middle & High School, Kyung Hee University, O San School Alumni Asso., Seoul Engineering High School Alumn
Org/Community Korean Family Service Center, NJ Korean YWCA, NJ Natiral Heath Service
Org/Economic The Fort Lee Korean Business Asso., The Palisades Park Korean Chamber O
Org/Government Korea National Tourlism Corp.
Org/Hometown The Cheon-An Assoc. Of NY P.O.
Org/Social Korean-Amer Senior Citizen Asso. Of, The International Council Of Korean
Org/Trade The Korean Beauty Salon Asso. Of NJ, The Korean Nail Salon Asso. Of NJ
Org/Veteran The Korea U.S. Veteran Group, Veterans Of Korea Marine Corp.
Printing Ah-Nam Office Supply & Printing, Champ, Duranno Design & Printing, Inc., Ebeso Press, Pro Printing Inc., The Best Printing
Rel/Protestant Broad Korean Church, Dong San Church Of N.J., Eden Presby. Church, Emmaus Mission Church, The Hanmin Presby. Church, The Korean Presby. Church Of N.J., The Korean Presby. Church Of Peter
Restaurants Koreana Restaurant, Palisadium Dae Won, So Moon Nan Jip, Woo Jung
School/Art Phil Art Academy, Soho Art Center
School/Music Amati Conservatory, B.S. Suh Music Class, Hymn Piano, Peniel Piano Academy, Song Piano, Violin Class
School/Folk Art Traditional Korean Dance & Performi
School/Korean Montessosri Korean School, The Korean Language School
School/Math Ace Academy, D.I. Telecom, Elite Academy, Honors Review Learning Center, Item Pool Co., Jei, Inc., Jei, Inc., Jei, Inc., Jei, Inc., Kumon At Fort Lee, Noonnoppi Math -Englwood Cliffs, Noonnoppi Math -Fort Lee
School/Vocational New York Beauty Academy, Sam`s Health Clinic School
School/Misc. Seoul Aviation Academy
Taekwondo Bai's Tae Kwon Do -Palisades Park, Hong Mu Kwan, J. Chung, S TaeKwonDo
Travel Ace Travel Agency Inc., Alpha Travel, Ari Rang Travel Service, Co Co Travel Inc., Cosmo Travel, Inc., Cta 153 Travel Agency, Dae Han Travel, Dong-A Travel Service Inc., East Travel, Intercontinental Travel, Kilin Travel, Korean Hotel Reservation Center, Mirai Int, L Tour & Travel Corp., Mu Kung Hwa Tours, Nadri Tour & Travel, Se Jong Travel Service, Inc., Seoul Travel, Sharp Travel, Shilla Travel, Uni Travel Inc.
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